Blurred by Time

Submitted by: Takgyver


Twitter: @takgyver01

Instagram: @n/a

About the photo and the film:

Blurred by Time (as scanned) 124 format Kodak Non-Curling, expired July 1, 1924, nitrate base (exposure 1) Kodak No.3A Folding Brownie, F6.3 Zeiss-Kodak Anastigmat, Compound Shutter 2 minutes, f8, f8-ish cloudy day 3 hours in Rodinal 1+100 (blacked-out bathroom, plastic planter box sealed with electrical tape, wrapped in a heavy black garbage bag), Ilford Rapid Fixer This adventure began with a simple question at the local camera store: “What’s the oldest roll of film in your stash?” The response was a 6 exposure roll of 124 Kodak NC, still sealed in the original box. The once-red backing paper was almost totally grey, but George Eastman’s shirt-cuffed hand still pointed the way to exposure 1. The camera was found about a week before Expired Film Day, showing only a few minor scars from a century or so of being handled. Base fog was extreme. The Zeiss-Kodak glass & Compound shutter are from a time before World War I, and Ansel was about 22 years old when this roll expired.